
An interesting Russian article came across my path today. The heading was “The Anti-Catholic Campaigns”.

Sum up the article in the fact that Russia believes some religions are growing too fast (Jehovah Witness and Mormons) and they don’t like the Catholic church….so they are putting some restrictions on religions. Russia didn’t have religious freedom till 1990, so you couldn’t register your church with Russia until then, and the new law they passed has something to do with you have to wait 15 years until after registering to hold services. (or something like that) Anyhow…this article states

In fact, it is the Roman Catholic Church that seems to attract the most negative attitudes (more often than not bordering on sheer hatred) both from the Russian Orthodox Church and various xenophobic groups.

I think that’s pretty interesting stuff… “bordering on sheer hatred

Just like Bro Branham said in the last quote I posted here “It’s a tool in the hand of God to bring revenge upon the earth for the blood of the saints

I wonder if this article demonstrates how possible this prophecy may be. God is at work I believe, setting things in order for those things which must be fulfilled, to be fulfilled.


There’s that red dragon, the devil. Where’s his seat at? In… Not in Russia; in Rome. And said, “The devil give him his seat and his authority, red dragon,” not Russia.

I hear great ministers saying, “The Russian is the antichrist.” Why, the Russian has nothing to do with the antichrist. That’s communism. The faltry of Protestantism and Catholicism has produced communism. The reason the Russians drove them out of there, because they had all the money, and had all the prayers said to them saints, so they built the biggest buildings, and had all the wealth of the people, and bundled it up like that. And they seen they lived no different, and was no different from any of the rest of the world, and they spued it out and formed communism.

Now, if you’ll give me one more night, if God does, I’ll prove to you that communism is working straight in the hands of Almighty God to destroy the Roman… And remember, I say this as God’s prophet: The Russian empire will drop an atomic bomb of some sort on the Vatican City and destroy it in one hour. THUS SAITH THE LORD. And the Bible said that God took them cruel-hearted men and put them in His hands, and they were instruments in His hands to fulfill His will, and to bring back to her exactly what she had coming to her. That’s exactly. That’s the Word.


Going to Sunday school one morning, I was caught away in a vision. And I said, “Now…” Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, I said, “Now, there’s going to be three great isms. Which is now in existence. One of them is in Rome, which is–is Fascism, and one of them is in Germany which is Nazi–Nazism. And the other one is in Russia, which is communism.” I said, “Those three great isms is the unclean spirits that went out of the mouth of the false prophet, and the dragons, and so forth that will unite themselves together, speaking things that they should not, and they’ll all beat at one another, until they’ll finally wind up in one ism. And I predict that that will be communism. And communism will burn the Vatican city.


So I didn’t do it, but I got to go all through the Vatican. Why, you couldn’t buy it with a hundred billion billion dollars. Why, you… And just think, “The wealth of the world,” the Bible said, “was found in her.” All… Just think of the great places, the billions times… Why did Communism raise up over here in Russia? It just makes me sick at my stomach to hear so many preachers hollering about Communism, and they don’t even know what they’re crowing about. That’s right. Communism ain’t nothing. It’s a tool in the hand of God to bring revenge upon the earth for the blood of the saints that… That’s right

I’m not usually one to talk about current events in light of how they may or may not fulfill prophecy…but this one came across my path through a technical correspondence actually, and so I thought maybe the Lord’s hand is at work here. It interested me, so here it is.

God Bless,

-Bro Trevor

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